Friday, July 31, 2009

Inspiring Thoughts

If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit

Changes in our lives are usually inevitable. Whether it is spring changing to summer or trying to change a bad habit, most of us will experience some form of change at one point.
As we undergo a major change, we may have mixed feelings. For example, if you recently enrolled in a debt negotiation program, you may feel optimistic that you took the first step to achieve financial freedom. Yet, the fact that you must live on a budget and have limited access to credit may scare you.
Living without available credit may be quite an adjustment, especially in a world where credit cards are accepted everywhere from local pizza shops to furniture stores. Many retailers may also pressure you to apply for credit cards when you checkout and you may have to decline more than once.
Some consumers may also use credit cards to pay for unexpected emergencies or to buy necessities before their next paycheck arrives. Without this security, new debt negotiation customers may feel like they will never be able to survive without credit.
Although overcoming your dependency on credit cards may be difficult, try to focus on the positive aspects of your financial decision. Look to the future and imagine how relieved you will feel once you are free from the bounds of debt. As a result of hard work and perseverance, you may one day not receive any more calls from collectors or have to keep track of multiple credit card bills.
Throughout your debt negotiation program, we will provide you with a variety of money-management tools such as this newsletter. Our goal is to equip you with knowledge that will help you remain debt-free. During these changing times, remember that your negotiation company is here for you. Feel free to give us a call if you ever have a question about your program. We realize that the many changes that you are experiencing can be stressful and we want to help you accomplish your financial goals.

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